Typical Event Schedule

While each retreat is unique, this is a typical schedule for teach sessions and golf.


  • 11am check-in and Lunch

  • 12pm Golf 18 holes 

  • 5pm Session #1 (Life in the Garden- Why we love Golf)

  • 6’30pm Dinner

  • 7’30pm Session #2 (The Journey to Hokmah)


  • 7am Session #3 (The Wisdom of Hokmah- Front Nine)

  • 8am Breakfast 

  • 9’30am Session #4 (The Wisdom of Hokmah- Back Nine)

  • 11am ‘Worst Ball Golf’ (3 Holes)

  • 12pm Lunch

  • 12’30pm Session #5 (The Scorecard of Life)

  • 2pm ‘Mulligan Golf’ (15 Holes)

  • 6pm Dinner

  • 7pm Session #6 (Walking Segullah with Hollie)

  • 8pm Session #7 (The 15th Tee and Bogey Man)


  • 7am Session #8/9 (Treasures #1/#2) 

  • 8am Breakfast

  • 9am ‘Caddie Golf’ (9 Holes) 

  • 11am Session #10 (Treasure #3)

  • 12pm Lunch

  • 12’30pm Session #11 (Final Treasure)

  • 1’30pm ‘No Scorecard Golf’ (9 Holes)

  • 3’30pm Session #12 (Postscript)

  • 5pm Depart for the 55th Hour and beyond